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Single Phase Bridge Inverter Trainer
Product Code :PET-TR-21
Single Phase Bridge Inverter Trainer Single Phase Bridge Inverter has been specifically designed to understand the working of Bridge Inverter with v...
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Step Down Chopper Trainer
Product Code :PET-TR-22
Step Down Chopper Trainer learning platform which is very useful for Students to understand the concept of DC to DC chopper on various load configur...
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AC Chopper Trainer
Product Code :PET-TR-23
AC Chopper Trainer learning platform which is very useful for Students to understand the concept of thyristor firing method & the working of AC to A...
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MOSFET, IGBT, Transistor & SCR based Step Down Chopper Trainer
Product Code :PET-TR-24
MOSFET, IGBT, Transistor & SCR based Step Down Chopper
Trainer learning platform which is very useful for Students to understand the concept of DC ...
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MOSFET, IGBT, Transistor & SCR based Step Up Chopper Trainer (Economy)
Product Code :PET-TR-25
MOSFET, IGBT, Transistor & SCR based Step Up
Chopper Trainer (Economy)...
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