Didactic Educational Equipment

Refrigeration Training Setup Kit

Refrigeration Training Setup Kit Manufacturers & Exporters, Refrigeration Training Setup Kit Supply for Tenders from India

Refrigeration Training Setup Kit

Product Code : MET-TR-02

Description: Refrigeration Training Setup - Refrigeration Trainer Kit allows students & industry professionals to learn the fundamentals of Simple Vapour Compression Refrigeration System. The design of this Refrigeration Training System is to allow the user to study this Technology in great detail. The training system introduces various sub-systems with real components. The construction of the trainer is on a main platform unit mounted on a trolley. This helps the students to place the trainer at their desired position. However, the height of the trainer is as such, the students can comfortably observe the reading while performing the experiments. The unit is opened, in order to provide an open exposure to the students for understanding the importance of each component in the process cycle. In this trainer, students can learn how to calculate the Coefficient of Performance (C.O.P.) of a compressor, based on which they can know the capacity of a compressor. Apart from this, students are also able to know the power consumed by the compressor. Refrigeration Trainer Kit Features: - Refrigerant (R134) used is non-poisonous, harmless to body and eco-friendly - Compact and Self-contained - Mounted on trolley for mobility - Digital LCD for Temperature - Multi point temperature measurement - Process Diagram on front panel - Easy component identification - Learning material CD

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