Didactic Educational Equipment

BCD Adder and Subtractor Trainer

BCD Adder and Subtractor Trainer Manufacturers & Exporters, BCD Adder and Subtractor Trainer Supply for Tenders from India

BCD Adder and Subtractor Trainer

Product Code : BEL-TR-43

Description: BCD Adder and Subtractor Trainer - BCD Adder and Subtractor Trainer NV6562 is a compact, ready to use digital electronics experiment board. This product has been designed specifically for the students to study and understand the concept of BCD addition and subtraction processes. NV6562 has logic high-low input switch facility, LEDs for visual indication and direct reading of the input-output logic states and carry status. It can be used as stand alone unit with +5V adaptor. Facilitates 1-bit to 8-bit BCD addition and subtraction modes LEDs for visual indication of input-output logic states Easy switching between addition and subtraction modes Unique design e-Manual

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