Didactic Educational Equipment

De-Morgan`s Theorem Trainer

De-Morgan`s Theorem Trainer Manufacturers & Exporters, De-Morgan`s Theorem Trainer Supply for Tenders from India

De-Morgan`s Theorem Trainer

Product Code : BEL-TR-37

Description: De-Morgan`s Theorem Trainer - The De-Morgan`s Theorem Trainer NV6553 is an elite training system for the digital laboratories. It is useful in understanding the basic concept of De-Morgan`s Theorem. This trainer describes both the De-Morgan`s Theorem statements in two separate sections so it is very easy for students to understand both the statements separately. The training system is designed in such a way that for performing any experiment students have to connect the links by patch cords, so it is very helpful for students to learn step by step implementation of De- Morgan`s Theorems. Attractive input and output sections are provided on trainer in such a manner so that multiple experiments can be performed simultaneously. Exclusive and compact design Easy explanation of both the De-Morgan`s theorem statements +5V SMPS Adaptor provided with the trainer for power supply Designed by considering all the safety standards Provided with an extensive manual A low cost training system

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