Didactic Educational Equipment

Ferrofluid Demonstration

Ferrofluid Demonstration Manufacturers & Exporters, Ferrofluid Demonstration Supply for Tenders from India

Ferrofluid Demonstration

Product Code : BSC-TR-51

Description: Ferro fluid Demonstration shows how magnetic properties can exist in fluid state. Normally, a liquid is not expected to exhibit any magnetic property. However, when nanoparticles of a magnetic material are dispersed in a liquid, magnetic properties can be exhibited. The nanoparticles so dispersed are not visible to our eyes. The magnetic fluid is known as Ferro fluid. This is a colloidal suspension of magnetic nanoparticles. Ferro fluids have the captivating property of exhibiting “spikes” when placed in the proximity of a strong magnet. The aim of the experiment is to demonstrate the novel properties in the material using nanoscience. A comparison between the Bulk and Nano size Iron Particles Provided with Strong Magnet Provided with Iron filing for Comparison Accessories are provided in a Carrying Case Learning material CD

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