Didactic Educational Equipment

Clipper and Clamper Trainer

Clipper and Clamper Trainer Manufacturers & Exporters, Clipper and Clamper Trainer Supply for Tenders from India

Clipper and Clamper Trainer

Product Code : BEL-TR-10

Description: Clipper and Clamper Trainer -Clipper and Clamper Trainer has been designed specifically to study 13 different types of circuit for single level and two level clipping and 6 different types of circuit for clamping. The purpose of this training system is to demonstrate firstly, that clipper has the ability to “clip” OFF a portion of the input signal without distorting the remaining part of the input alternating waveform. Secondly, to observe that the reference voltage can also be used to control the clipping level of output i.e biased clipper. Thirdly, to demonstrate the clamping or the jumping action of a signal to a different DC level (either +ve or –ve). Built-in 1KHz Sine Wave Generator Good quality, reliable sockets and test points are provided Strongly supported by systematic operating instructions A low cost training system including many experiments

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