Didactic Educational Equipment

High Resistance Measurement by Leakage Method

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High Resistance Measurement by Leakage Method

Product Code : BSC-TR-50

Description: High Resistance Measurement by Leakage Method is useful for measuring very high value of Resistance. Digital Multimeters or LCR meters are used to measure the normal value of resistance (generally 1Ω - 20MΩ) but in the case of very high value of resistance these are unable to measure with high accuracy. Leakage method is very accurate way to measure the high value of resistance because of very sensitive ballistic galvanometer with scale & lamp arrangement and very low value of capacitances used in the product. It is provided with different values of unknown high resistances on rotary selection and different values of capacitors. A complete setup with all accessories Inbuilt DC power supply Ballistic Galvanometer with Moving coil of large moment of inertia Ballistic Galvanometer with Flexible phosphor-bronze ribbon suspension Lamp and scale arrangement with adjustable stand Learning material CD

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