Didactic Educational Equipment

Shift Registers Trainer

Shift Registers Trainer Manufacturers & Exporters, Shift Registers Trainer Supply for Tenders from India

Shift Registers Trainer

Product Code : BEL-TR-42

Description: Shift Registers Trainer - Shift Registers Trainer is a compact, ready to use digital electronics experiment board. This training product has been designed specifically for students to study all the four types of 3-bit and 4-bit shift registers on a single board and verify their truth tables. A shift register is capable of shifting its binary information either to the left or right direction. The temporary memory storage and data shifting characteristics of shift registers make them extremely valuable for most digital electronics systems. Nvis 6561 has built-in clock source, logic high-low input facility and LEDs for visual indication of input-output logic states. Besides this, a +5V DC adaptor is also provided for power supply Stand alone system Easy illustration of all types of 3-bit and 4-bit shift registers LEDs for visual indication of input and output logic states SPDT switches for easy input logic selection e-Manual

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